Inclement Weather


Inclement Weather


Inclement Weather

We would like to share important inclement weather information so that your family can be prepared in the event severe weather impacts our normal school schedules and operations.

Anytime our community experiences inclement weather, our operations and leadership teams are driving roads throughout the evening and early morning, and in communication with various city and town officials, closely monitoring weather conditions. Based on road conditions and weather forecasts, we will make one of three decisions: 

  1. To keep a normal in-person school schedule
  2. Delay the start of school by two hours 
  3. Shift to a shortened online learning day

Our first priority, as long as it is deemed safe by our team in consultation with other municipality officials, will be in-person learning.

When the district remains open to in-person learning, but you believe that weather conditions in your specific area are unsafe or otherwise problematic for your student to attend school, please feel free to contact your school’s attendance clerk to obtain an excused absence for your student. If weather conditions cause you to keep your student at home, they will be able to make up any missed schoolwork without penalty. 

Additionally, families will continue to have the choice to obtain an excused absence for their student if for any reason they are unable or choose not to participate in a shortened online learning schedule, or if weather conditions in their area are problematic for transporting their student to school when we have in-person learning.

2-Hour Weather Delay

If the weather is such that the normal start is problematic due to weather conditions, we may implement a 2-hour weather delay. A weather delay will only be used if the delay will accommodate warmer temperatures at the bus stops and/or a substantive improvement in road conditions. Please note that weather delays are different from our scheduled late-start days. During a weather delay, school will begin two hours after the normal school start time (as opposed to scheduled monthly late-start days which begin two and a half hours after the normal school start time).

2-Hour Weather Delay Schedules

In the event of a two-hour weather delay, we will start school 2 hours later than regularly scheduled start times. Bus schedules will also start 2 hours later. (Please note that weather delays are different from our scheduled late-start days.) 

School days delayed due to inclement weather also require the following service adjustments:


  • Morning Classes: Will be canceled
  • Afternoon Classes: Will follow normal schedules
  • Full Day: Will begin 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time
  • Wrap-around care will open when the school opens at first bell

Spark! Discovery Preschool:

  • Morning Classes: Will be canceled
  • Afternoon Classes: Will follow normal schedules
  • Full Day: Will begin 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time
  • Wrap-around childcare will begin at 11:00 a.m.

Kindergarten Programs: 

  • Full-day Kindergarten Classes: Will begin 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time

Community School & Enrichment Programs: 

  • Before School: Will be canceled
  • After School: Will follow normal schedules


  • Breakfast: Will not be provided
  • Lunch: Will be provided

Innovation Center and Career Elevation and Technology Center:

  • Information regarding Innovation Center and Career Elevation Technology Center classes will be shared directly by the programs.


  • Out-of-district: Will be canceled along with all field trips that were scheduled to depart before noon, with the exception of transportation for students with disabilities.
  • Transportation for students with disabilities attending out-of-district schools will begin 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time.
  • In-district: Will operate routes 2 hours later than their regularly scheduled start time

Athletics & Extracurricular activities: 

  • After School: Will follow normal schedules

Delayed starts due to inclement weather and school closure notifications are made via the following communication systems: the Messenger notification system (formerly called ShoutPoint), the district website, social media, and local and state media including newspapers and television. For more information on school closures visit: or to update your notification settings in Infinite Campus, visit

Inclement Weather Shortened Online Learning Days

When inclement weather closes our schools to in-person learning, we will continue our current practice of providing a shortened online learning schedule. During these closures to in-person learning, students will receive synchronous direct instruction on a shortened schedule, with additional asynchronous time to complete assignments.

Instructional time is vitally important to supporting the continued academic success and well-being of our students, however we will be using a shortened schedule on these days so that families also have time to navigate other challenges that come with inclement weather.

If for any reason you decide that your student will not be able to participate in the online learning day, please contact the school office for an excused absence, which is consistent with our attendance procedures on a normal in-person school day.

Teachers will be posting their Webex links to Seesaw (grades K-3) or Schoology (grades 4-12), or they may choose to email those directly to students and/or parents. Links will be posted by 8:00 am.

Please click on the grade level of your student below for specific schedule information.

Preschool Students

We are pleased to offer parents and families an opportunity to sustain a preschooler’s learning despite inclement weather or other unplanned disruptions. We are fortunate to offer these supports in order to provide each and every child with a strong foundation. Flexible and family friendly 20-30 minute learning activities will be sent to you by your child’s preschool teacher via email or the SeeSaw application.

Preschool Remote Schedule – Shortened Online Learning Days

9:00 – end of the dayAsynchronous Learning at HomeFlexible and family friendly 20-30 minute learning activities will be provided by your child’s preschool teacher via email or the SeeSaw application.
Teacher Virtual Office HoursPreschool teachers will be available during this time so that parents or caretakers can ask clarifying questions about the at-home learning activities.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed.

Elementary School Students

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Remote Schedule – Shortened Online Learning Days

9:00 – end of dayAsynchronous LearningKindergarten and 1st grade students will receive relevant asynchronous learning activities that each student’s teacher will post on Seesaw.
10:30-11:30 (Optional Webex)Teacher Virtual Office HoursKindergarten and 1st grade teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

2nd-5th Grade Remote Schedule – Shortened Online Learning Days

Virtual Morning Meeting with Classroom TeacherAttendance and direct instruction; required school work will focus on language arts and math instruction. Specials may assign optional activities.
10:30 – end of dayAsynchronous LearningStudents work on their assigned school work for the remainder of the day. This school work will be due on the next in-person school day.
10:30-11:30 (Optional Webex)Teacher Virtual Office HoursAll teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed (e.g., Literacy, ESL, etc.).

About the Virtual Morning Meetings (Grades 2-5)

Morning meetings are a virtual opportunity through Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. This school work will be focused on language arts and math. 

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex morning meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in SeeSaw (grades 2 and 3) and Schoology (grades 4 and 5).

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Middle School Students

All middle school students in grades 6-8 will use the schedule below on a shortened online learning day. Middle school schedules vary by school due to the block scheduling patterns used at each school.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed (e.g., Literacy, ESL, etc.).

Middle School Remote Schedules – Shortened Online Learning Days

Altona Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
10:30-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Coal Ridge Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students
have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers
and receive help on their school work through Webex.
Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Erie Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Class 1
Synchronous Learning
Class 2
Synchronous Learning
Class 3
Synchronous Learning
Class 4
Synchronous Learning
Class 5
Synchronous Learning
Class 6
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Longs Peak Middle School

All students in grades 5-8 will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Lyons Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 7
11:20-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
11:20-11:30All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Mead Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Session 1
Synchronous Learning
Session 2
Synchronous Learning
Session 3
Synchronous Learning
Session 4
Synchronous Learning
Session 5
Synchronous Learning
Session 6
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Soaring Heights PK-8 (Middle School)

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times, including taking a movement break during their assigned grade-level lunch period.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 7
Synchronous Learning
Period 8
11:05-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
11:05-11:30All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Sunset Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1 or 5 depending on A/B day.
Synchronous Learning
Period 2 or 6 depending on A/B day.
Synchronous Learning
Period 3 or 7 depending on A/B day.
Synchronous Learning
Period 4 or 8 depending on A/B day.
10:30-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Thunder Valley K-8 (Middle School)

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Timberline PK-8 (Middle School)

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

6th Grade Students7th Grade Students8th Grade Students
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 7
Synchronous Learning
Period 7
Synchronous Learning
Period 7
Synchronous Learning
Period 8
Synchronous Learning
Period 8
Synchronous Learning
Period 8
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
Asynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
Asynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Trail Ridge Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
10:30-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Westview Middle School

Students will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1
Synchronous Learning
Period 2
Synchronous Learning
Period 3
Synchronous Learning
Period 4
Synchronous Learning
Period 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 6
11:00-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

High School Students

All high school school students in grades 9-12 will use the schedule below on a shortened online learning day. Students will attend the classes scheduled for the shortened online learning day at the following times.

High School Remote Schedule – Shortened Online Learning Days

8:30-8:55 am
Synchronous Learning*
Period 1 or 5 depending on A/B day.
9:00-9:25 am
Synchronous Learning
Period 2 or 6 depending on A/B day.
9:30-9:55 am
Synchronous Learning
Period 3 or 7 depending on A/B day.
Synchronous Learning
Period 4 or 8 depending on A/B day.
10:30-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.
(Optional Webex)
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed (e.g., Literacy, ESL, etc.).

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

LaunchED Virtual Academy

All LaunchED students in grades K-12 will use the schedule below on a shortened online learning day.

LaunchED Grades K-5

LaunchED students in grades K-5 will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Virtual Morning Meeting with Classroom TeacherAttendance and direct instruction; required school work will focus on language arts and math instruction. Specials may assign optional activities.
10:30 – end of dayAsynchronous LearningStudents work on their assigned school work for the remainder of the day. This school work will be due on the next in-person school day.
10:30-11:30 (Optional Webex)Teacher Virtual Office HoursAll teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed (e.g., Literacy, ESL, etc.).

About the Virtual Morning Meetings

Morning meetings are a virtual opportunity through Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Elementary school work will be focused on language arts and math. 

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex morning meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology (grades K-5).

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

LaunchED Grades 6-12

LaunchED students in grades 6-12 will attend the classes scheduled for the day of closure at the following times.

Synchronous Learning
Period 1 or 5
Synchronous Learning
Period 2 or 6
Synchronous Learning
Period 3 or 7
Synchronous Learning
Period 4 or 8
All teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.
11:30-end of dayAsynchronous Learning:
Students work on their assigned school work for the
remainder of the day.

About the Synchronous Learning Periods

Synchronous learning will be Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Links to the Webex meetings will be provided by the teachers.

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex virtual meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in Schoology.

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

Main Street School and All LSACE Programs

All Main Street students in kindergarten through 12th grade and all LSACE students will use the schedule below on a school closure day.

Main Street School and LSACE Remote Schedule – Shortened Online Learning Days

Virtual Morning Meeting with Classroom TeacherAttendance and direct instruction; required school work will focus on language arts and math instruction. Specials may assign optional activities.
10:00 – end of dayAsynchronous LearningStudents work on their assigned school work for the remainder of the day. This school work will be due on the next in-person school day.
11:00-11:30 (Optional Webex)Teacher Virtual Office HoursAll teachers will hold virtual office hours where students have an optional, scheduled time to check in with teachers and receive help on their school work through Webex. Teachers will also check email throughout the day.

Students who are scheduled for related services for their Individualized Education Plans will be offered services at their regular times to the best of our ability. Teacher Office Hours are also a time for students to receive additional support from other service providers and teachers as needed (e.g., Literacy, ESL, etc.).

About the Virtual Morning Meetings

Morning meetings are a virtual opportunity through Webex, where students check in with teachers, take attendance, and participate in direct instruction about the work that should be completed for the day. Elementary school work will be focused on language arts and math. 

Students will be marked as “present” if they join the Webex morning meeting. Otherwise, students will be marked absent, and absences will be excused if parents call their students out for the day. Asynchronous school work will be posted in SeeSaw (grades K-3) and Schoology (grades 4 and 5).

About Virtual Office Hours

Classroom and academic support teachers will hold virtual office hours so students have an optional, scheduled time to virtually check in with teachers, ask questions, and receive help on their school work. Additionally, teachers will check their email throughout the day to support parents and students with any questions that arise.

When schools are closed to in-person learning due to inclement weather, transportation and other activities, both in-district and out-of-district, may also be canceled. Decisions regarding after-school athletics, activities, or events will be made by noon on the day of the online learning schedule.

Communication Processes 

When forecasts are definitive, the district will make every effort to notify families of impacts to school operations the prior evening. When forecasts are less definitive, we will monitor conditions closely and consult with county and state officials prior to making a decision. Often the forecast is tentative and we need additional time to monitor conditions. In these cases, we will notify you no later than 5:30 a.m. if there will be any impacts to the day’s learning schedule.

Notifications for school disruptions due to inclement weather are made via the following communication systems: the Messenger notification system in Infinite Campus (email, voice, or text based on your notification settings), the district website, Twitter (@svvsd), and local and state media including newspapers and television.

St. Vrain Valley Schools