Students who have failed specific core course have another opportunity for success through the SVVSD eCredit Recovery Program. St. Vrain Valley School District offers this hybrid credit recovery program that allows students to recover credit by retaking only the concepts in which they were previously unsuccessful through a blended learning model.
SENIORS ONLY (12th gr) – Monday , December 16th, 2024 – Thursday, January 16th, 2025
(EARLY SENIOR REGISTRATION receives discounted pricing as follows: $75/$40 F/R)
ALL GRADES (9th-12th) – Friday, January 17th at until Thursday, January 30th at 8pm
Courses offered – Spring 2025 eCredit Recovery session (Not all locations offer every course):
- English 9A/B, English 10A/B, English 11 A/B, English 12 A/B
- World Studies A/B, US History A/B, US Government A/B, Personal Financial Literacy
- Algebra 1A/B, Geometry A/B, Algebra 2A/B, Int Algebra A/B
- Health
- Biology A/B, Chemistry A/B, Physics A/B (Offered at Mead, Niwot, and Silver Creek HS ONLY)
Locations and Schedules
All Locations listed below will be following the same schedule:
Spring eCredit begins on Tuesday, Feb. 11th and ends on Thursday, May 9th
Spring eCredit runs Tuesday/Thursdays from 3:00 – 5:00pm for 12 Weeks at the following locations:
- Frederick High School – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Longmont High School – English, PFL, & Health
- Lyons HS – Eng 9A, 10A, 11A, 12A, Algebra 1A, Geometry A/B, Chem A, Biology A, Physics A, World Studies A/B, US/CO Gov B, & PFL
- Mead High School – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Niwot High School – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Silver Creek High School – English, Math, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
- Skyline High School – English, Math, Social Studies, PFL, & Health
If the location you would like attend is FULL please CLICK HERE to fill out the waitlist.
Final note: Meeting days/times may be subject to change depending on teacher availability at certain locations. Communication from the eLearning office and/or the eCredit teacher will make students and families aware of any of these differences, so please watch your email for notifications of these changes. Thanks in advance for your understanding!
Required Parent/Guardian Orientation:
ONLINE Parent Orientation will be REQUIRED for ALL PARENTS that have a student enrolled in the Spring 2025 eCredit Session. This orientation is a video and can be found here for English and aqui para espanol.
Once registration has ended, we will send out an email with all the information regarding this eCredit Session and a reminder about our Parent Orientation video.
If you have any questions, please call our office at 303-702-7906.
Fees and Registration
$150/0.5 Credit
Please only register your student for ONE course at a time. If a student finishes the first course ON or BEFORE Thursday, March 27th, 2025 they will given a link to register for a 2nd course and receive a discount ($75).
$75/0.5 Credit
Please only register your student for ONE course at a time. If a student finishes the first course ON or BEFORE April 8th, 2025 they will be given a link to register for a 2nd course and receive a discount ($40).