SVVSD Special Education Events

Niwot Elementary PE class

SVVSD Special Education Events

St. Vrain Special Education Department also partners with outside agencies and community partners to share events. Click to learn more!

SVVSD Virtual Parent Education Series

We invite the SVVSD parent community to participate in a series of events focusing on their student’s journey toward community connection and adulthood. There is infinite potential in every child and this engagement series invites parents to curate a team of advocates to energize the process. These events will take a practical and focused approach to addressing important milestones, identifying resources to navigate obstacles, and empowering the family to inspire and support their student’s unique journey toward post-school learning, living and working as independently as possible. Sessions are open to families with students of all ages.

Speech Night for Early Childhood/Young Learners

Presented by the SPARK speech therapists

WHEN: September 18, 6-7pm

WHERE: SPARK Cafeteria

WHY:  🙂  “Speech Night” is our opportunity to share our best tips for helping speech/language flourish in these crucial early years.  All advice is research-based best-practice, foundational to our practice, and has been used by us the duration of our careers.  While Speech Night will be info-packed, it will also be as short as possible, because we all have busy lives outside school (45 min. or so in total).  Speech Night will not be “techie” but will be grounded in practical suggestions anyone can use.  We hope to see you there!

St. Vrain Valley Schools