High School Athletic Handbook

High School Athletic Handbook

Athletics are an important part of the St. Vrain Valley School District’s educational program. The district provides a variety of equitable sports programs that give boys and girls the opportunity to participate and compete. Athletics present an excellent situation for experiences and development of democratic cooperation. It provides an avenue for the formation of lasting friendships and other personal interactions. These experiences gained through participation in athletics should aid the student in meeting the demands and challenges of living in a modern American society.

The board encourages students, faculty, and the community to recognize the value of athletics in relation to the total school program.

Participation in interscholastic athletics as a part of the district’s educational program is a privilege and not a right for high school students. The administration will develop operating procedures which will be contained in the athletics and activities handbook.

The board subscribes to the rules and regulations of the Colorado High School Activities Association because of its efforts to keep athletics/activities on a high standard of educational values.

The board understands the motivation and values of playing to win at athletic contests and games. The board does not condone winning at any cost and discourages pressures and practices which might tend to submerge good sportsmanship and good mental health beneath the desire to win.

Participation in interscholastic athletics as a part of the school’s education program is a privilege and not a right for high school students.

SVVSD Participation

To be eligible for participation, students must meet the standards of the St. Vrain Valley School District and the criteria below which have been established by the Colorado High School Activities Association for its member schools.

  • Be a good school and community citizen.
  • Follow hybrid CHSAA Eligibility Plan. During the period of participation, the student must be enrolled in courses which offer, in aggregate, a minimum of 2.5 Academic units of per semester and must not be failing more than the equivalent of one-half Academic unit of credit.
  • Student must have been eligible at the close of the student’s last semester of attendance. This includes successfully completing a minimum of 2.5 credits and did not fail more than the equivalent of one-half Academic unit of credit.
  • Has not graduated from a high school or its equivalent.
  • Has a medical screening form turned into the school before being allowed to participate in a sport. A medical screening is only valid for one calendar year.
  • Has completed all necessary sports registration paperwork, including but not limited to: Risk Assessment and Hold Harmless Agreement, Parent Permission, Athletic Insurance Waiver, and Acknowledgment of the athlete and spectator Code of Conduct and CHSAA Respect Pledge. Registration forms are required before participation in tryouts or practices.
  • Pays any participation fees assessed by the district before being allowed to practice in a sport.
Sportsmanship & Respect

All people in our community need to know that respect is a lifetime value taught through inter-scholastic activities; it is a principle of good citizenship. By taking this pledge, a person chooses to accept the responsibility for his or her actions, whether as a participant or spectator.

  • Why do we need to demonstrate respect for each other?
  • To decrease the emphasis on winning or losing.
  • To promote ethics and integrity in all walks of life.
  • To learn the attitudes necessary for responsible behavior.
  • Respect is about the relationship – not the game.

I will focus my actions as a student participant on respecting my opponents, coaches, sponsors, parents, fans and officials. I believe that by demonstrating respect for all people involved in my activity, I am a catalyst for positive interaction among participants in interscholastic activities and athletics.

I will focus my actions as a spectator of high school athletics and activities on respecting all participants, coaches, sponsors, and officials. I believe that by demonstrating respect for all people involved in activity, I am a catalyst for positive interaction among participants and fans of interscholastic activities and athletics. By taking this pledge, I accept the responsibility of serving as a role model for all members of my community.

Any person who physically assaults, verbally threatens, or exhibits any behavior that can be reasonably considered as threatening, on or towards a game official at any level of competition; shall be subject to consequences up to and including being permanently banned from any CHSAA or CHSAA member event. The determination and severity of the consequence(s) for these behaviors will be determined by the CHSAA Commissioner and the School Administration working collaboratively.

Parent/guardians and student-athletes will acknowledge and sign the CHSAA Respect pledge as stated above in the SVVS Athletic registration forms. Spectators and participants must also follow SVVS Board Policies, especially KFA, when attending school district sponsored events.

SVVSD Athletic Participation Code of Conduct

This code of rules, regulations, and procedures shall apply to all district participants in interscholastic and intradistrict athletics. Participants include team members, team managers and cheerleaders.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide clarity, consistency and fairness in the application of this code. Athletic training regulations are normally more stringent than standard school regulations for several reasons. The desire of the school district is to provide a standard whereby participants can minimize risk factors involving injuries and general well being. Schools and society in general look to participants to demonstrate self-discipline, leadership, moral character and good health habits. Students wishing to participate in athletic programs are required to meet standards of personal behavior and academic performance which are reasonably related to district purposes, including but not limited to insuring that the participant is representative of the community, the district and the school’s ideals in matters of academic conduct, sportsmanship and citizenship.

Recognizing the fact that participation in athletic programs is purely voluntary on the part of the student, the participant is accountable for all rules, regulations and procedures set forth in this code.

The St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J reserves the right to amend and revise the Code of Conduct as it is deemed necessary and proper.

Once the acknowledgment is properly signed, the student is subject to this Code of Conduct throughout the year, during all school years in which he or she is eligible to participate. In addition, sanctions may be imposed for serious and substantial violations, occurring at any time during the school year, on or off campus, in or out of season, and where deemed appropriate while school is not in session.

To be eligible to participate in athletic programs a participant must be academically eligible, attend school on a regular basis in accordance with attendance policies, and conform to district and individual school standards of conduct and sportsmanship.

  1. The following conduct, regardless of whether it constitutes a single incident or a pattern of activity, shall be grounds for disciplinary action:
    • Use, possession, sale and/or exchange, regardless of the quantity, of alcoholic beverages, illegal controlled substances (e.g. hallucinogens, marijuana, anabolic steroids, etc.) and tobacco product. Tobacco product means any product that contains nicotine or tobacco or is derived from tobacco and is intended to be ingested or inhaled by or applied to the skin of an individual, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; and any electronic device that can be used to deliver nicotine to the person inhaling from the device, including but not limited to an electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo or pipe.
    • Willful disobedience or open and/or persistent defiance of authority.
    • Willful destruction, damage or defacing of any school property or equipment (including athletic equipment).
    • Behavior which is detrimental to the welfare and safety of others or behavior which could be characterized as lacking proper or good citizenship or good sportsmanship practices. For purposes of this policy, the phrase lacking proper or good citizenship includes, but is not limited to, behavior which is prohibited or punishable by federal, state or local criminal statutes.
  2. Should a participant transfer to another district high school, any acquired penalties would also transfer.
  3. Any violation of the participation code may result in the revoking of any awards for which the participant might otherwise be eligible.
  4. The District and administration reserve the right to bypass any or all of the levels of penalties and impose any or all of the more serious levels of penalties if the seriousness of the offense warrants such action.

For any of the above offenses, the following disciplinary action will be taken.

1st offense:
Suspension of the participant from 30% (or major fraction thereof) of any athletic contests on the schedule of the sports/activity season. Does not include scrimmages. If a participant should be suspended late in the season and is not able to fulfill the 30 percent penalty, the remaining suspension will extend into post-season play and/or the participants next sports/activity season.

For example, should a participant/team qualify for any post-season play, those contests will be included in the computation of the 30 percent suspension or should a student violate any training rules while not participating in a sport, the suspension will begin with and be computed according to the students next sports season.

Participants are expected to practice during the period of suspension from contests in order to finish a season in good standing and to be eligible for any awards. Participants failing to attend practices are subject to permanent suspension from that sport/activity to the end of the school year.

Recommendation that a restorative process occur prior to reinstatement to competition.

Reduce to 10% with self admission prior to schools knowledge. Must include a minimum of 10 community service hours agreed upon by school administration, parents, coach and athlete and a written timeline for completion. Students without additional violations for one calendar year may be reinstated to no prior offense status. Such reinstatement can occur only once during a students four years of eligibility.

Or students may opt for 20% suspension with no community hours. Students withoutadditional violations for one calendar year may be reinstated to no prior offense status. Such reinstatement can occur only once during a students four years of eligibility.

With no self admission prior to school’s knowledge, an athlete will serve the 30% suspension but may participate in an approved educational program with parental participation for a minimum of three one-hour sessions. If the athlete does the educational component and has no additional violations up to one calendar year, the athlete may be restored to no prior offense status.

Such reinstatement can occur only once during a student’s four years of eligibility.

2nd offense:
60% suspension from the regular season of participation or subsequent season if unable to complete. Post season play will count toward the total suspension. Remain in practices and good standing.

Recommendation that a restorative process occur prior to reinstatement to competition. An approved mandatory educational program, with parental participation will be agreed upon by the administration, parents, coach and athlete. Educational program must exceed three one-hour sessions.

3rd offense:
One calendar year suspension from the date of the infraction with approved educational program mandatory before reinstatement. Administration, parents, coach and athlete will determine terms for reinstatement and educational program.

Penalties for violations beyond the third offense will be at the discretion of the building principal and/or District Athletic Director and may include permanent prohibition from participating in district athletic programs.

Enforcement of any penalty will begin from the day the student is determined to have violated the Rules of Conduct. For purpose of this Code, penalties are cumulative throughout a participant’s years of high school eligibility. Penalties accumulate during middle school participation, but do not carry forward to high school.

The St. Vrain Valley Schools recognize that athletics are an important part of a student’s educational experience, but that academics are the primary reason for a student attending school. To be academically eligible, see Colorado High School Activities Association General Eligibility Rules, which must be followed by all athletes.

Because of the importance of regular attendance and academics the following rule regarding attendance will be followed:

To be eligible for practice or competition the participant must be in attendance at least one-half the school day unless arrangements are made in advance for an excused absence. Arrangements must be made at least two days prior to the activity.

Nothing contained herein will be deemed to prohibit a coach or sponsor from establishing and enforcing with principal approval additional rules applicable to the particular activity, e.g. curfew hours and other matters relating to the functioning of the team or group.

Such rules are to be provided to participants in writing with a copy on file with the principal/ designee.

Violations of such rules may be handled directly by the coach involved after conferring with the District Athletic Director and/or the appropriate building administrator.

If a student’s actions are deemed detrimental to the good of the team or program, a coach reserves the right to suspend or remove the student from the team. Any suspension or removal from a team will need athletic director and principal approval.

  1. Students permanently suspended from a sport will not letter in that sport or participate in another sport during the same season. Any violations of the participation code may result in the revoking of any awards for which the participant might otherwise be eligible.
  2. An athlete who quits a sport during its season may try out for another sport that season, provided both head coaches of the sports involved give their consent. If there is disagreement among coaches, the student or coach may request a building administrator to review the case.
  3. A student may not participate in practice, scrimmages or contests during the time of any suspension from school.
  1. The principal or designee shall be responsible for the application of penalties and sanctions for violations of the Rules of Conduct set forth in this Code.
  2. Prior to the imposition of any penalty set forth in this Code, the principal or designee shall give the student and parent/guardian notice of the intended action. The notice may be oral or in writing at the discretion of the principal or designee will inform the student and parent/guardian of the nature of the alleged violation, the nature of the penalty which may be imposed, and the availability of the principal or designee to meet with the student and parent/guardian to discuss the matter.
  3. At the informal hearing, the student will be given an opportunity to deny the alleged violation or to provide his version of the incident. The principal or designee may at his discretion depending upon the circumstances allow the student to present witnesses or hold a more extensive hearing in order to make a proper decision on the contemplated action.
  4. Written notice of the penalties shall be made promptly by the building administrator to the participant and his parent/guardian.
  5. The student and parent/guardian may appeal the decision of the principal by submitting in writing a request within five (5) days of the decision to the District Athletic Director.
Colorado High School Activities Association Constitution and Bylaws

Please visit the CHSAA website (www.chsaanow.com) or contact your school’s Athletic Department for the most up to date information.

Important CHSAA Bylaws to reference include the following:

Article 17: General Eligibility
Article 18: Transfer
Article 19: Recruiting
Article 20: Amateur Status
Article 21: Outside Competition/Practice

SVVSD Lettering Guidelines
  1. No awards of any kind other than awards by the school, the Association, or a group approved by the school or the Association and limited in value to $50 shall be made to participants in any interschool activity.
  2. If unapproved awards are offered and accepted by the participants, such participants shall jeopardize their eligibility to represent their school in any interschool activity; and, further, such acceptance shall jeopardize standing of the school in the Association and may result in the suspension of the school (CHSAA policy).
  3. Only letter awards are given to the varsity athlete by the school.
  4. Only one athletic letter (cloth emblem) may be given to a participant during a high school career. (Others may be purchased.)
  5. An athlete must be eligible according to all rules of the district, state and CHSAA requirements.
  6. Service Letter Awards: A senior who has completed three or more seasons without earning a letter may be recommended by the coach to be awarded a varsity letter.
  7. Hardship Letter Award:
    • Any athlete who is injured or ill, and who, in the opinion of the coach, would have earned an award had the injury or illness not occurred may be awarded a letter.
    • If because of illness or death in the family an athlete is forced to discontinue competition and has not earned a letter, the coach may consider this athlete for an award.
  8. Manager’s Letter Award: A coach may recommend a manager for exemplary service for two years in the same sport or one year in two sports. The service award may also be applied to managers. Their letter award will be a regular varsity letter.
  9. Head coaches shall review annually their record keeping procedures with any individuals delegated such responsibilities. Accurate record keeping shall be stressed.
  10. A coach may establish lettering guidelines more stringent than the district guidelines, provided:
    • They are approved by the principal and athletic director before the season begins.
    • Acknowledgment of guidelines are signed by the parents and student and on file in the athletic director’s office prior to the student being allowed to practice and compete.
  11. Lettering requirements are to be on file with the building athletic director and principal.
  12. At the end of a season, an athlete must return all school equipment (e.g. uniform) before a letter will be awarded.
  13. The final decision of athletes having met the lettering requirements lies with the building principal following recommendation and consultation with coaches and athletic directors.

Important: All participants must end the season in good standing in order to be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half of the total innings played of the regular season varsity games.
  • Exception: Pitchers shall play in one-third of the total innings played of the regular season.
  • An athlete who competes in a state play-off game may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half of the quarters of all regular season varsity games.
  • An athlete who competes in a state tournament game may be recommended for a letter.

Cross Country

  • Run in all races as a varsity runner (either as a top 5 team member or in the open division). This would be at the discretion of the coach.
  • Place in the top half of a major race (12 teams or more).
  • An athlete who competes in the state meet may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half of the quarters of the designated number of quarters in the regular season varsity games.
  • Quarters played in state play-off games may be counted in the foregoing minimum.
  • An athlete who competes in a state play-off game may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half (½) of the designated number of holes in a regular season varsity matches.
  • An athlete who competes in the state tournament may be recommended for a letter.


  • A gymnast must accumulate 10 points in varsity scheduled meets in order to earn a letter. An athlete receives one point for every event entered in a varsity meet. Additional letter points are accumulated by “placing” in events at meets during the season.
  • A gymnast who qualifies and competes in the state meet may be recommended for a letter.


  • Play in one-half (½) of the halves of the regular season varsity games.
  • Halves played in a state playoff game may be counted in the foregoing minimum.
  • An athlete who competes in the state tournament may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half (½) of the halves of all regular season varsity matches.
  • Halves played in state play-off games may be counted in the foregoing minimum.
  • An athlete who competes in a state play-off game may be recommended for a letter.

Softball (girls)

  • An athlete shall play in one-half of the total innings played of the regular season varsity games. Exception: Pitchers shall play in one-third of the total innings played of the regular season.
  • An athlete who competes in a state play-off game may be recommended for a letter.


  • Lettering requirements are determined by the school.
  • Participants must end the season in good standing.


  • An athlete must earn a total of 20 points by placing in varsity swim meets throughout the season;
  • Place in the top 6 at the conference meet in an individual event.
  • An athlete who qualifies and competes in the state meet may be recommended for a letter.


  • Participate in 85% of the scheduled practices. Note: Participation in scheduled practices means the full scheduled period for persons participating in diving only, and a minimum of 50% of the scheduled period for persons who swim and dive when the two practice periods coincide. If the two practice periods do not coincide, the individual is expected to attend the full diving period.
  • Accumulate a minimum of 10 meet points in diving.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half of all regular season varsity matches.
  • An athlete who competes in the state tournament may be recommended for a letter.

Track & Field

  • An athlete must earn an average of one (1) point per scheduled meet excluding the state meet; or
  • Earn one (1) full point in a major meet of 10 or more teams (2A or 3A), 7 or more teams (4A or 5A), or state qualifying meet.
  • An athlete who qualifies and competes in the state meet may be recommended for a letter.

Unified Bowling

  • An athlete who competes in one (1) event.
  • An athlete who competes in a state tournament may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall play in one-half of the games of all regular season varsity matches.
  • An athlete who competes in a state tournament game may be recommended for a letter.


  • An athlete shall wrestle in one-half of all regular season varsity matches.
  • An athlete who competes in the state tournament may be recommended for a letter.
SVVSD Participation Fees

The following represents the guidelines to be followed for the athletic fee assessments. Please contact your Director of Athletics for any interpretation of these guidelines.

  1. Individual participation fees for athletics will be:
    • $150 for the first sport
      • Exception A: $200.00 for football (only)
      • Exception B: $30.00 for spirit (cheerleading and dance)
    • $150 for the second sport
    • $120 for the third and fourth sport
  2. There will be a family maximum of $600.00 per year for athletic fees. Students or families should communicate with their athletic office if this maximum applies.
  3. Fees will be collected at the time of registration.
  4. The student fee is to be paid or adjusted prior to a participant being involved in the athletic program. Students or families with financial need may request payment plans or work/study information from their building athletic director.
  5. A coach is not to allow a student to participate in any practice or game without notification of approved participation status (completed registration forms, valid medical screening and fee payment).
  6. Participants who are cut or who quit an activity up to and including the fifteenth calendar day from a participant’s first day of practice will be reimbursed the full amount. Requests for the reimbursement must be no later than 25 calendar days after this beginning date. Participants who are members through 15 calendar days following this beginning date will not be reimbursed if they choose to drop out of the program.
St. Vrain Valley Schools