Summer Programs

Summer Programs

Summer School, Camps, and Enrichment

St. Vrain Valley Schools offers robust summer programming options to keep students engaged in their academic learning. Major summer programs are listed below. Many schools across the district offer various athletics, fine arts, and activities for students over the summer. Visit your school’s webpage or contact the main office for additional information.

Innovation Center SuperSTEM Camps

The Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools’ SuperSTEM Camps offer innovative, hands-on learning experiences that engage and challenge students and incorporate human-centered design thinking. Camps are taught primarily by student designers and teachers from the Innovation Center, and offer a wide-range of fun STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) activities.

Innovation Academy

This summer program focuses on creating a highly interactive and collaborative learning environment where students tackle various community-related issues. Join us for two fun filled weeks at the Innovation Center to learn, discover, and identify problems in our world and brainstorm possible solutions. Families are invited to join us on the last day of camp to celebrate our students’ exhibition of learning!

Innovation Center Summer Classes 

The Innovation Center is offering extended for-credit learning opportunities to high school students this summer virtually and in-person. Students can explore the various pathways available to them at the Innovation Center. Course options offer a hands-on introduction to various fields including cybersecurity and virtual/augmented reality.

Community Schools

Community Schools Summer Camps provide opportunities to enrich the lives of children in safe and welcoming environments, supporting them to realize their highest potential. The child care staff offer extended, enrichment, and recreation activities to support a well rounded experience. Summer Wraparound Pre-K Camp is open to 3, 4 and 5 year olds. Summer School Age Camp is open to 5 to 12 year olds.

eCredit Recovery for High School Student

eCredit Recovery will continue for high school students in an in-person learning environment. If your student is a behind on high school credits, your school will contact you with information about enrollment.

  • The 2025 Summer Session will run from June 2 to June 20, Mondays-Fridays from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Classes are in-person on Mondays-Thursday, and virtual on Fridays.
  • Registration will begin Tuesday, April 29 and close on Wednesday, May 28 at noon or earlier if seats fill.

High School JumpStart

JumpStart is a 8-day summer program for incoming ninth grade students that provides an opportunity for them to transition to high school academics, extra-curricular programs, and co-curricular programs in a mentoring environment. Research shows that a successful transition to high school includes success in Algebra 1 and engagement in school activities. 

Program Features:

  • Strategic and focused instruction in key Algebra 1 concepts 
  • Language Arts instruction for English 9 preparation
  • Teambuilding and high school readiness activities
  • Breakfast snack and lunch option
  • Transportation provided for eligible students
  • 1.0 high school elective credit for successful completion
  • Available at no cost to families

JumpStart will run from Monday – Thursday, July 21-31, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. each day. For more information or to register, please contact your high school by May 16.

Middle School Step Up

Through Middle School Step Up, incoming sixth grade students have the opportunity to advance and celebrate the transition to middle school through building relationships and community, creating comforts and connections, and developing familiarity with the school and environment while providing exposure to typical academic routines.

Program Design:
While every Step Up program will be specific to each middle school to showcase that school’s unique culture and traditions, highlights of programming include:

  • Team and Community Building
  • School Culture and Traditions
  • School Tours and Routines

Locations: Most St. Vrain middle and PK-8 schools will host a Middle School Step Up program. Students will attend the school they are enrolled in for the 2024-25 school year.
Date:  August 5, 2024
Times:  8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

For more information or to register, please contact your middle school by May 17, 2024.

Extended School Year (Special Education)

St. Vrain will be providing in-person instruction for students who qualify for Extended School Year (ESY) through their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). If your student qualifies, a member of the special education team will contact you with more information.

Project Launch Elementary School

Through Project Launch, elementary students can strengthen their reading and math skills over the summer in a fun, friendly camp-like environment. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to get extra support for a great start on the upcoming school year. Students exiting kindergarten thru fourth grade are eligible to attend at no cost to families. Exiting fifth grade students have an opportunity to attend Middle School Project Launch at their home school.

Project Launch Middle School

Project Launch Middle School is a four-week, 16-day summer focus program for incoming sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. The program provides an opportunity for students to master grade-level content in math and language arts, and participate in STEM extension activities. Students attend at no cost to families.

STEM Accelerator Project Launch

STEM Accelerator Project Launch is a four-week, 16-day summer focus program for incoming sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. Through STEM Accelerator Project Launch, middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings allowing them to maintain grade level proficiencies and build readiness for the next grade. Students in STEM Accelerator Project Launch will also engage in project-based learning opportunities that apply math concepts through design thinking and STEM career connected contexts.

Program Features

  • Dates: June 2-26, 2025
  • Time: 6 hour day. Schedule varies per school site.
  • Transportation provided for students eligible for busing
  • Breakfast and sack lunch provided
  • Students are able to enroll in this free program at the middle
  • school they are enrolled in for the 2024-2025 school year

This program is offered to students at Longs Peak Middle School, Sunset Middle School, Thunder Valley K-8, and Timberline PK-8.

To register, please contact your student’s middle school

Project Launch Accelerated 6th Grade Math

Through Project Launch Accelerated 6th Grade Math, rising 6th grade students have the opportunity to master key concepts in 6th grade math. This program will provide the opportunity for students to begin 7th or 8th grade math while in 6th grade.

Program Features:

  • 6th grade math curriculum focus
  • June 3-26, Monday – Thursday
  • Six hour days
  • Transportation provided for eligible students
  • Breakfast and lunch provided
  • Students are able to enroll in this free program at the middle school they are enrolled in for the 2024-2025 school year 

Dates and times may vary by middle school site. For more information or to register, please contact your middle school.

St. Vrain Valley Schools