St. Vrain families with children ages 0-3 are invited to the Infant and Toddler Literacy Night on Wednesday, January 24, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The event, hosted by St. Vrain’s Early Childhood Department, will take place at the Timberline PK-8 Library and features local early language development experts Susan M. Moore and Laurene Phillips.
Parents can expect practical insights into fostering language skills in young children. Childcare services will be available for children ages 1-5.
The literacy night will cover strategies for incorporating language development into everyday routines, the role of interactive activities and play, the importance of early exposure to storybooks in responsive relationships, and navigating languages at home and in school for comprehensive language development.

About the Presenters:
Susan M. Moore Susan Moore is an Infant Toddler Specialist and former CU Boulder faculty member who has dedicated her career to working alongside children, families, and teachers as they explore and build their abilities to nurture early language and construct the foundations for literacy. She is a founding member (1999) and contributing program author to the Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQIT) statewide program, now housed in the Colorado Department of Early Childhood Education. Susan holds specialty recognition in child language from the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders (ABCLLD).
Laurene Phillips brings a wealth of experience, as an Infant Toddler Specialist with the EQIT statewide program, through her many years of teaching, facilitating, coaching and supporting providers and families. She and the EQIT team at the Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (ECCBC) have been teaching, coaching and supporting early childhood providers, families, and children for over 24 years.
Both Susan and Laurene are also active certified facilitators of the Touchpoints Approach: The How and Why of Family Engagement programs offered through ECCBC and are certified facilitators of parent family education and support programs through the Brazelton Institute.