Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
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Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas

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Joaquin Davies

Experimental Photography

Olivia Gonzales

Experimental Photography

Addison Engleking

Mushroom Impkin

Cora Laydon


Mars Mayer-Geear

pitcher set

fiona anderson

Brass with red stone

Virginia Yanez

Brass with red stone

Evia Doig

Brass with red stone

Fernando Verizor Lagunes

Abstract Alphabet

Maia Schaalman

Vases and sculptures

Will Reeder

Vases and sculptures

Miya Orton

Vases and sculptures

Liv Thompson

Vases and sculptures

Jasiel Carreon

Vases and sculptures

Zoe Riel

Vases and sculptures

Anthony Gonzales


Julianne Garrison

Bengal Tiger

Sedona Neagle Pitz

Pastels Pumpkins

Kinsley Romero

Picasso Self Portrait

Peyton Gutierrez

Picasso Self Portrait

Jacob Benz

Picasso Self Portrait

Veronica Cello Johnson


Rafael Govea Lopez

City Scene

Arden Wosachlo

Peaceful Night

Israel Herrera


Claire Friese

Rubber Stamp & Ink

Arlan Gaide

Faded History

Preslee Rowell

One Point Perspective

Sofia Martinez Aguilar

Dragon Eye

Grayson Finkel


Paige Sanders

Laurel Burch Cat

Artemis Philipopoulos

Mask Art

Siobhan Chandrasekara

Fall Landscape

Akayli Nelson


Maddie Maracine


Daniel Ferguson

The Creature

London Likens Townes McGuirk

St. Vrain Valley Schools