Kindergarten students at Prairie Ridge Elementary delved into the wonders of plant life cycles through an engaging seed planting unit, enhancing their understanding of nature and sparking their curiosity.

“We were inspired to incorporate seed planting into our curriculum as it gives students firsthand experiences with the plant life cycle,” shared Katy Pelenis, Kindergarten teacher at Prairie Ridge. The project encouraged students to observe, predict, and care for their individual plants.
The main learning objectives for the students included developing an understanding of the plant life cycle. Kindergarteners observed and described the changes in the seeds over time, and determined what plants need to survive. They also made predictions and observations as they compared different growth conditions, from seeds in soil that were deprived of water to those provided with every essential element needed for growth.
“Overall, we feel seed planting is a valuable learning opportunity that offers a unique way to connect science concepts with the real world for our kindergarten students,” shared Pelenis. Through caring for their seeds and witnessing their growth, students gained valuable insights into the needs of plants, and the experience also instilled a sense of responsibility in them.
“We learned that plants start with a seed, then you water them so they can grow,” shared one student. “Once you give them water, soil, and light, you just have to wait for them to grow.”