Beyond the Bookshelf: Grand View’s Books are Fun Campaign

Grand View Elementary 3rd grade student shows new books

Grand View Elementary School, in collaboration with Books are Fun, is inspiring lifelong readers through their Book Blast campaign. With over 30 years of service, and in partnership with Collective Goods, Books Are Fun is committed to providing the latest and most engaging books to children across the nation. Thanks to support from the community, the school successfully raised over $30,000 to purchase three books for every student at Grand View.

“To support Grand View Elementary School in reaching their goal, Books are Fun provided valuable assistance to teachers by introducing programs to spark enthusiasm among both educators and students,” explained Francesca Craver, Principal at Grand View. “This included teacher-led initiatives and student rewards, such as glow-in-the-dark blankets, disco balls, and they had the chance to be entered into a drawing to win a treasure chest filled with small gifts. We also maintained regular communication with families and set participation goals to emphasize the importance of reading in the community.”

Aside from acquiring new books, the goal of the Book Blast campaign is to make a lasting impact on students’ reading experiences, and the overall learning environment at Grand View. “We want to expose students to a variety of genres and cultivate a deeper understanding for reading by tapping into their interests,” shared Craver.

Collaborating with friends and the community can help make reading a more enjoyable experience. Third-grader, Lily Salaz, expressed her excitement for reading stating, “with our new books we can have more people come in and read with us, and enjoy learning new things with every book we read.”

St. Vrain Valley Schools