Students in the St. Vrain Valley School District get a boost in post-secondary education

Every high school in the St. Vrain Valley School District, or SVVSD, offers students opportunity for success no matter which path they want to pursue in life, but did you know those students also have a chance to get a leg-up on college degrees at the same time?

Open enrollment season for SVVSD schools starts Dec. 1, giving students the chance to find a school with focus programs that align with their interests for post-secondary education and future career paths.

SVVSD works from a two-prong approach, according to Dr. Jackie Kapushion, SVVSD deputy superintendent. One ensures that every school in the district offers a foundation of core content — including advanced placement classes — for student education that will set them up for success no matter what program they pursue, the second prong being specialty programs for post-high school education and careers like P-TECH and CU Succeed.

St. Vrain Valley Schools