#InclusionRevolution is Trending at Trail Ridge Middle School

TRMS Students with new coffee cart

Trail Ridge Middle School (TRMS) staff Lynsey Robinson, assistant principal, and Rebecca Warren, SSN teacher, are trail blazing an #InclusionRevolution with an Inclusion Club at their school. The club provides an opportunity for typical students and students with disabilities to interact in meaningful ways through Unified Sports, PE Pals, Lunch Bunch and Shared Reading. Click here to read more about these programs>>

The Inclusion Club meets once a week during lunches to plan different activities and promotions. They are currently working on creating a motto and t-shirt for the school and they will participate in the leadership summit at the Denver Zoo on November 12 (sponsored by the Special Olympics).

The club’s recent focus was working on the planning and funding of the new Coffee Cart at TRMS. The students in the SSN program are paired with an inclusion club member and they go around the building to take teacher orders, work on money exchange skills, prepare drinks, and serve.

In October, TRMS also hosted an open house for general education teachers and other school staff to learn more about students with significant disabilities. Students’ work was posted and refreshments and information about quality inclusion practices were provided. Robinson stated, “The purpose of the event was for us to become more informed of our building’s program, clear up misconceptions, and spark creativity around inclusion around the building.”

For more information about how you can create an #InclusionRevolution, please reach out to Lynsey at [email protected] x 35402 or Becci at  [email protected] x35448.

St. Vrain Valley Schools