Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Wellness, Culture and Safety Inventory (WCSI)?
St. Vrain Valley Schools replaced the state-wide health survey, Youth Risk Behavior Survey/Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (YRBS/HKCS), with the Wellness, Culture and Safety Inventory (WCSI) to provide ongoing information in a more timely, shortened and user-friendly format. The WCSI asks questions about different subjects that impact student well being and academic performance.
How are schools using the WCSI results?
What students think is important to St. Vrain Valley Schools. Their voices help the district continually provide a positive and successful learning experience. Information students provide about their school experiences will help identify strengths and needs across the district. Participating schools will receive a summary of student responses, which provides a better understanding of students’ perceptions about their school community.
Who will take the WCSI?
The WCSI will be administered to all high school students, in grades 9-12, who choose to participate.
What will WCSI administration look like?
The Wellness, Culture and Safety Inventory will be taken online and facilitated by teachers, during a portion of class. Students will have access to a URL, at their individual school. Each school will receive a specific URL on a designated day and time during the window for students to participate.
How long does the WCSI take?
Because of the shortened design of the inventory and online administration, St. Vrain’s Wellness, Culture and Safety Inventory takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
In Summary…
The inventory is not a test and there are no wrong answers. Answers are completely anonymous and student participation is voluntary. Students can choose to not participate in the inventory and parents can also choose to not have their student participate. Because we strive to maintain a positive learning culture where students thrive and succeed, we hope students will share their experiences so we can continually improve. If you would rather your student not participate in the inventory, please follow the below link.