Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas
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Unframed Student Art Show

Painted Canvas

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Self Portrait

Jesse Nieto Delgadillo

"Monet's Bridge"

Lucy Helbak

"Monet's Bridge"

Layla Tanner

Value Portrait

Abbie Hausotter

Wallhanging/Clay Pot

Julia Lisse

Wallhanging/Clay Pot

Karch Fullmer

No Title

Dalari Martinez Villa


Addison Kozlowitz

Digital Branding Board

Molly Slupik

Intermediate Drawing Project

Blake Yoder

self portrait

finn sanger

self portrait

Forrest Hughes

Continuous Line Self Portrait

Liam Van Ocker

Continuous Line Self Portrait

Addison Engleking

Color Theory

Alexis Rhoades

Color Theory

Kayla Uemura

Brass with red stone

Virginia Yanez

Brass with red stone

Zoe Riel


Sabrina Teeters


Aylin López Terrones

Clay Sculpture

Olivia Cook Kloser

The Lavender Scare

Rebekah Vaisman-Spear

The Hunt

Lucas Alexander


Taylor Land

Self portrait

Polly Troy

Independent Study-Vase

Autumn Rutherford

Independent Study-Vase

Liv Thompson

Weeping Willow

Madison Kintzel

“Let you Go”

Jasmine Prada King

“Let you Go”

Victoria Lara

pitcher set

fiona anderson

Shakin Dog

Eleanor Lewis

Photo recolor

Isaac Cerda

Photo recolor

Fernando Verizor Lagunes

The Creature

London Likens Townes McGuirk

The Creature

Lilliana Quinonez

The Creature

Isobel Van Woudenberg

St. Vrain Valley Schools